And So It Begins...

Blonde Aesthetic is something that I have been working on and actually contemplating whether or not to start for quite a while. As some of you may or may not know, I actually have another blog (click on the link), but I haven't been using it as much only because, to be frank, I felt somewhat confined to just posting anything "beauty" related. I also had a few doubts with the name and how I wanted to present myself on it. But on this blog, I feel like "Blonde Aesthetic" is me. I am blonde (which is how the name came to me) and I feel like "aesthetic" is beauty and beauty comes in all shapes and forms so I don't have to limit myself to just reviewing and talking about beauty products, but also talking about my life and the beauty that I see through my eyes (and the lens of my phone haha).
I feel like that is the most honest explanation I can really give about my change of heart with my past blog  (which I still will keep open just if anyone would like to check it out anyways).

So without further ado, this is Blonde Aesthetic.

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